" In the closet of my mind, emotions go unseen."
"Deep within, dwells anger unheard of and bitterness unfelt."
"At night, I sometimes dwell deep within that closet while I sleep."
"Maybe one day, I'll be in the closet when I'm awake."
Walking in the Dark
"I smelled the colors of my touch."
"I strolled through the street at night."
"Maybe one day, there will be light."
How harsh the cold winter
The land frozen by the wind
Sunlight's face hidden
Spring spreads through the land
Ice melting from the sun's path
Birds singing their joy
Late, summer rises
Warming the cold frozen land
Turtles bask in heat
The Blue Bird
There was a blue bird from the East,
Who told that he was born a beast.
The strange creature cried,
"Are you blind, could you not see that I lied!"
And then he turned back into a beast.
There was a donkey named LeRoy,
Who wanted to eat 20 chew toys.
He went to changing his name to Bill Clinton becoming the worst person in presidency
And Impeached on 1998, no one would let him in their residency.
And now he's known to annoy.
Some very raw feelings there, Rambo.
Please know that you are not alone in your feelings :)
I remember an English teacher that I had in high school. She would have us read poems, much like the ones that you've written, and then interpret what those poems meant. It was such an interesting class. I think about that, and I try in my mind to interpret some of your poems. Maybe one day you and I can talk and you can tell me your interpretations. I would love that, Rambo!
I love you!
Grandma Mayes
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